品牌重塑:该库被重新命名,因为它提供了更多的包和功能,例如提供交互的新 React 包,而 Popper 只提供定位。
¥Rebranding: The library was rebranded as it offers more packages and functionality, like the new React package that provides interactions, while Popper only ever offered positioning.
新的 API:新 API 的目标是使 Floating UI 变得更底层别,使其更像 CSS,你可以在其中逐步添加属性以实现所需的定位行为,而无需预先配置任何内容。
¥New API: The goal of the new API was to make Floating UI lower-level and act more like CSS in which you progressively add properties to achieve the desired positioning behavior, without pre-configuring anything.
此外,我们希望使配置更加符合人机工程学,使库更小并且完全可摇树(因此新功能如果未使用,不会使打包包膨胀),并且还希望按照要求支持 React Native/Canvas,即 现在支持。
¥In addition, we wanted to make the configuration more ergonomic, the library smaller and fully tree-shakeable (so new features don’t bloat bundles if unused), and also wanted to support React Native/Canvas as they had been requested, which is now supported.
不同但熟悉:Floating UI 是 Popper 2 的分支,并且有很多相似之处。虽然主要的外部定位功能发生了变化,但 API 的许多其他部分是相似的。
¥Different, but familiar: Floating UI forked Popper 2 and shares a lot of similarities. While the main external positioning function changed, many other parts of the API are similar.
¥Similarities include:
¥The order of arguments and types of the positioning function are practically identical.
are the same, passed as a third argument options object. -
Floating UI 中的
在概念上类似于 Popper 2 中的modifiers
in Floating UI is conceptually similar tomodifiers
from Popper 2. -
传递给中间件的选项与 Popper 2 具有非常相似的配置,并且
和虚拟元素等 API 几乎相同。¥Options passed to middleware have very similar configuration as Popper 2, and APIs like
and virtual elements are almost identical.
¥Change dependencies
首先,卸载 @popperjs/core
并安装 @floating-ui/dom
¥First thing’s first, uninstall @popperjs/core
and install
npm uninstall @popperjs/core
npm install @floating-ui/dom
¥Positioning function change
默认情况下,波普尔会为你应用样式并添加修饰符。另一方面,Floating UI 完全是简单的 - 你无需预先配置任何内容即可添加所需内容。
¥Popper applied styles and added modifiers for you by default. Floating UI on the other hand is completely bare bones — you add what you need with nothing pre-configured.
在 Popper 中,你像这样调用 createPopper()
,它会自动将 popper 元素放置在底部。
¥In Popper, you called createPopper()
like so and it would
place the popper element at the bottom for you automatically.
import {createPopper} from '@popperjs/core';
createPopper(reference, popper);
Floating UI 不会为你应用样式或添加修饰符(现在更通用地称为中间件)。相反,它是纯粹的,只返回你可以随意使用的数据。
¥Floating UI does not apply styles or add modifiers (now more generically called middleware) for you. Instead it’s pure and only returns data that you can use as you please.
在 CSS 中的浮动元素上设置 初始样式:
¥Set up the initial styles on the floating element in your CSS:
.floating {
width: max-content;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
¥Then, apply the coordinates using the positioning data resolved by the function:
import {computePosition} from '@floating-ui/dom';
computePosition(referenceEl, floatingEl).then(({x, y}) => {
Object.assign(floatingEl.style, {
left: `${x}px`,
top: `${y}px`,
了解有关 这里是 computePosition
¥Read more about computePosition
¥Updating the position automatically
is not stateful, it only positions your
element once.
Popper 自动添加监听器来更新滚动位置和调整大小。在 Floating UI 中,你自己添加它,并且更明确地表明它需要清理:
¥Popper added listeners automatically to update the position on scroll and resize. In Floating UI, you add this yourself, and it’s much more explicit that it needs to be cleaned up:
import {computePosition, autoUpdate} from '@floating-ui/dom';
// When the floating element is open on the screen
const cleanup = autoUpdate(referenceEl, floatingEl, () => {
computePosition(referenceEl, floatingEl).then(({x, y}) => {
Object.assign(floatingEl.style, {
left: `${x}px`,
top: `${y}px`,
// When the floating element is removed from the screen
与 Popper 不同,Floating UI 还默认添加 ResizeObserver
¥Floating UI also adds ResizeObserver
listeners by
default, unlike Popper, handling an additional update edge case.
了解有关 这里是 autoUpdate
¥Read more about autoUpdate
¥Configure middleware
Floating UI 遵循你传入的 placement
¥Floating UI honors the placement
you passed in and does
not modify it by default:
import {computePosition} from '@floating-ui/dom';
computePosition(referenceEl, floatingEl, {
placement: 'top',
}).then(({x, y}) => {
// ...
¥Even if the floating element will overflow the top of the screen, it will still be placed and anchored there.
如果你想直接匹配 Popper 的默认行为以防止冲突,请按以下顺序添加 flip()
和 limitShift()
¥If you’d like to directly match Popper’s default behavior to
prevent collisions, add in flip()
, shift()
in the following order:
import {
} from '@floating-ui/dom';
computePosition(referenceEl, floatingEl, {
placement: 'top',
middleware: [flip(), shift({limiter: limitShift()})],
}).then(({x, y}) => {
// ...
与 Popper 2 不同,数组的顺序很重要,并且不会为你进行调整。中间件 页详细解释了这个概念。本质上,如果将一个中间件放置在另一个中间件之前或之后,定位结果可能会发生变化。这有助于实现完全控制,因为有时你需要根据顺序采取不同的行为。
¥Unlike Popper 2, the order of the array matters and is not adjusted for you. The Middleware page explains the concept in detail. Essentially, if you place one of the middleware before or after another, the positioning result can change. This helps enable full control as sometimes you want different behavior based on the ordering.
Popper 的 preventOverflow
修饰符现在称为 shift
。这是因为从技术上讲,Popper 2 “防止溢出” 中的许多修饰符并没有描述它与 shift
¥The preventOverflow
modifier from Popper is now called shift
This is because technically many modifiers in Popper 2 “prevented
overflow”, which does not describe what it is actually doing
unlike shift
你可能会注意到 API 在函数调用时更加符合人机工程学。
¥You’ll hopefully notice the API is much more ergonomic at the point of the function call.
波普尔 2:
¥Popper 2:
createPopper(reference, popper, {
modifiers: [
name: 'offset',
options: {
offset: [0, 10],
¥Floating UI:
computePosition(referenceEl, floatingEl, {
middleware: [offset(10)],
传递给中间件选项的许多选项与 Popper 2 相似或相同。要了解他们的选项,你可以阅读左侧边栏上的页面。
¥A lot of the options passed in to middleware options are similar or the same as Popper 2. To learn about their options, you can read their pages on the sidebar on the left.
¥Arrows styling
在 Popper 中,你可以在 Popper 中添加 data-popper-arrow
¥In Popper you could add a data-popper-arrow
inside your popper and it’d automatically be picked up and
由于 Floating UI 是纯粹的,你现在可以自己处理这些样式,并且始终手动传递元素。你可以在 arrow
中间件 页面上阅读更多相关信息。
¥As Floating UI is pure, you now handle these styles yourself, and
you always pass an element in manually. You can read more about
this on the arrow
middleware page.
¥Auto placement is now a middleware
在 Popper 2 中,这是 flip
的一部分,但现在它是独立的,不再是 placement
¥In Popper 2, this was part of flip
but now it’s separate and is
no longer a string option for placement
波普尔 2:
¥Popper 2:
import {createPopper} from '@popperjs/core';
createPopper(reference, popper, {
placement: 'auto',
¥Floating UI:
import {computePosition, autoPlacement} from '@floating-ui/dom';
computePosition(referenceEl, floatingEl, {
middleware: [autoPlacement()],
像 detectOverflow
和 虚拟元素 这样的 API 与 Popper 2 基本相同,只有细微的差别。
¥APIs like detectOverflow
virtual elements are basically the same
as Popper 2 with only minor differences.
现在必须在调用 detectOverflow()
之前使用 await
关键字,但接受与 Popper 2 相同的选项,但有细微差别。
must now be called with the
keyword before it but accepts the same options
as Popper 2 with minor differences.
如果你认为缺少某些内容或感到困惑,你可以在 GitHub 仓库 上打开讨论,我们将尽力改进此页面。
¥If you think something is missing or are confused, you can open a Discussion on the GitHub repo and we’ll try to improve this page.